The Journey to Qatar
Dec 2, 2010 -
Qatar is awarded the hosting rights to the 2022 FIFA World Cup - The first ever World Cup in the Middle East.
May 5, 2011 -
Former Vice FIFA President, Jack Warner, leaks an email from the FIFA general secretary that claims Qatar "bought" their hosting rights.
Nov 18, 2013 -
The Arnnesty International report publishes that the construction sector in Qatar is rife with abuse and severe exploitation.
Feb 24, 2015 -
Qatar 2022 tournement becomes the first ever World Cup during the winter season
Sep 25, 2015 -
The World Cup start date is announced - November 21, 2022
Apr 22, 2016 -
FIFA President, Gianni Infatino, announces that an independant commitee will monitor worker conditions in Qatar.
Oct 2017 -
Qatar enter agreement with the International Labour Agreement (ILA) to reform migrant worker conditons
May 16, 2019 -
Al Jaboub, is the first entirely new stadium to be built for the Qatar World Cup
Sep 4, 2019 -
The official emblem of Qatar 2022 is revealed in display at Doha, and 24 other countries.
Aug 30, 2020 -
Qatar abolish the Kafala system, enabling workers to change employers and a monthly minimum wage for all workers is introduced - 1,000 riyals ($275)
Jan 19 2022 -
Tickets for the tournement go on sale, local residents can buy a ticket starting at 40 riyals ($11) which is the cheapest since Mexico 1986.
Apr 1, 2022 -
The draw for the World Cup in Doha
Aug 11, 2022 -
The World Cup schedule is brought a day forward, November 20.